27 November 2009

buena knister social club

kennt ihr die story von den beiden jugendlichen in berlin die so dicht waren dass sie mit teilchen eine spur zu ihrem lieblingsclub gelegt haben irgendjemand die dinger aber vertilgt hat und sie dann an einem haus ankamen das nur aus zeugs und teilchen und räucherware bestand? innendrin wohnte ne geile btraut die nur darauf aus war die jugendlichen hart zu machen um mit ihnen heissen wilden sex zu haben? willkommen im buena knister social club

22 November 2009


Stuttgart, im Besitos.
Beim Speeddating stehen die männlichen Dater zuammen. Die Moderatorin fragt nach der Motivation am Speedating teilzunehmen.
Speeddater: “Ich habe eigentlich einen Gutschein zum Geburtstag für den Pussy Club in Fellbach gekriegt. Den hat aber die Polizei zugemacht. Da haben die mir nen Gutschein fürs Speeddating geschenkt, ist ja so ähnlich.”

Zugfahrt von Bremen nach Hamburg an einem Samstag.
Bremen hatte ein Heimspiel, viele Bremer Fans die offensichtlich außerhalb Bremens wohnen sind im Zug. An einer Haltestelle steigen auch noch jede Menge Fans des FC St. Pauli ein, Pauli hatte wohl ein Auswärtsspiel.
Durchsage einer Bahnmitarbeiterin: “Aufgrund des erhöhten Fanaufkommens ist die Situation im Zug zur Zeit etwas kuschelig. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.”

München. Oktoberfest.
Wie immer zum Oktoberfest schiebt sich eine breite Masse betrunkener Menschen die Rolltreppe an der U-Bahn Haltestelle Theresienwiese hinunter, während die noch nüchternen Neuankömmlinge in die entegegengesetze Richtung die U-Bahn verlassen. Es kommt eine neue U-Bahn an.
Durchsage: “So liebe Leut, jetzt machts er den Bahnsteig für die andern frei. Und ihr dies scho hoimgeht - erst den linken Fuß vor den rechten, dann den rechten Fuß vor den linken - und des abwechselnd - des nennt sich dann gehen.”

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, auf einer Party.
Mein Freund und ich stehen an der Bar. Ein Typ (Bundeswehrarzt) unterhält sich neben uns mit einer Bekannten.
Er: “…ja, und jetzt schicken sich mich doch für vier Monate nach Afghanistan.”
Sie: “Vier Monate nur? Da hast du doch gar keine Zeit, dir das Land richtig anzusehen!”

10 November 2009

Keyboard for Pirates

cuz you need not more than this

08 November 2009

Sam Jinks

Sam Jinks currently lives and works in Melbourne where he spends his time creating hyper-realistic Sculptures out of Silicon. With a background in Film and Television effects, he has been a commercial sculptor for 11 years, the last 5 working on his own art full time.

Hi Sam, could you tell us a little about your background? How did you get started?
I’ve always loved sculptural realism in art. Its evolved over the years but a beautifully sculpted figure always inspires me. I got started in sculpture professionally while working on TV ads making puppets and props, from there I worked in film for a number of years. It was a great start because I learned how to mold and cast sculptures and use latex and silicones.

What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working towards several shows for next year with a bunch of new works. It’s a very busy time. At this stage I’m spending most of my time sculpting in clay as most of the works are still being modeled.

Could you talk through the creative process for one of your recently completed projects? (The Hanging Man)
The hanging man was conceived over a long period, I sculpted an early version some years before I produced the final one, but was never quite happy with it.  I couldn’t leave it alone so I ended up going back to it and producing the one that was finally exhibited. Usually I sculpt a small maquette or miniature version before doing it full scale but in this case it wound up being produced twice..four times including maquettes. The process to produce most of these works is very similar. They begin as clay sculptures built up over an armature then there molded and cast in silicone. Once the cast is cleaned up I then poke the hairs into it and add a little final colour.

What do you hope the viewer will take away from your sculptures?
I’d like to think that the viewer would feel something after viewing the work, perhaps they could even have some sort of physical experience or maybe see something that they can relate to in their own lives.

Which of your projects has been the most rewarding?
I’d have to say its always the one I’m working on at the moment.

Your techniques seem similar to movie prop making? Do you have any interest in the film industry and special effects?
I have worked in film and have always loved the process of making something to support a story. It’s a fun job. I do occasionally work with friends in film but its generally to help out.

Do you have any advice for people looking to get into sculpting and the creative industry?
Drawing is always a great place to start if you’re interested in sculpture, I think if your drawing skills are good then sculpting comes quite naturally. As far as the creative industry goes I think there is always room for someone who has there own outlook on the world. It’s not always easy to get your work out there but if you’re committed and if you persist, then you’re bound to succeed.

where can people see your work?
My next major solo show is in May of next year with Karen Woodbury Gallery in Melbourne.

Karen Woodbury Gallery